Spring & Summer Fun With Icespike SAVE 20% use code: havefun

ICE FISHING is supposed to be FUN!!!

Make It Fun and Safe Again With ICESPIKE

Icespikes for traction when ice fishing
Free Yourself from:
  • Chains
  • Straps
  • Coils
  • Frozen Fingers from Putting on and Removing Devices.
  • Drive To Your Shanty with your spikes on and Be Ready All the Time.
  • Works of Glair Ice- or Snow-Covered Ice.
  • Great Traction While Using Your Auger. (No Merry Go Round Effect)
  • Add Icespike to Your Favorite Boots, Walk with Confidence!

Another Icespike Ice Fisherman Sounds Off!

Hi Keith & staff,
I actually found the ice spike information by looking on the internet. I've been ice fishing now for about 8 years because I thought that it was inexpensive. Bought 1 jigging rod and about 20 jigging lures. That didn’t work because it's such a pain to change lures. Now 7 jigging rods & 100 lures. They got all tangled up in a 5-gallon bucket so I bought a hard case for rods, dipper, gaff & lures. Too cold sitting on the ice so I bought an ice hut that weighs 18# that I can carry like a backpack. Assembles in about 2 minutes. Hand augers are slow especially for older guys like me so I bought a new ice auger & and a Mikita brushless drill & I can drill an 8" hole in 10" of ice in about 8 seconds. Now I think that I need a Vexilar flasher. Do I really? I thought that ice fishing was supposed to be inexpensive. Last but not least I hated those ice cleats that go on your boots. Such a pain to put on & take off! Especially without gloves on. So I found Icespike. I Put your spikes in 2 different sets of boots with heavy tread pattern. They are Crazy GOOD. Icespike is the most inexpensive part of Ice Fishing and solves the biggest Ice Fishing Problem.
Have a great day,

Hey Keith,
I saw a product review (and ads) in my only magazine subscription which is Fur-Fish-Game.  Ive been a subscriber since maybe ’73 ??  I completely trust their product reviews because they use them just like I do.  This is my 2nd batch since I saved the tool.  I have them on 2 sets of footwear now.  I like the bite and ease of installation.  I have recommended them to my buddy's also.  I use them in Adirondacks for hiking, ice fishing, trapping, hunting, and all general outdoor work when we get the mixed crap up here.
Stay well and don’t slip!


QUICK & RELIABLE SHIPPING Ships within 24 hours with tracking.

3/8 inch (9.5mm) Icespikes

Good for running shoes

Deluxe Set Of Icespikes
3/8" (9.5mm) Icespike Deluxe Package

1 Precision Tool + 32 3/8 Inch (9.5mm) spikes.

Recommended for Running Shoes, walking shoes, Sneakers. With purchase of Deluxe Package, additional sets of 3/8 inch (9.5mm) spikes are available for $16.99 ( US Dollars) at Checkout. Buy several sets for family and friends!

$29.99 US Dollars

Buy Now

Extra Icespikes
3/8" (9.5mm) Icespikes

32 - 3/8 Inch (9.5mm) spikes.

Buy a Set of 32 spikes without the purchase of a Deluxe Package. Recommended for Running shoes, walking Shoes, Sneakers.

$19.99 US Dollars

Buy Now

1/2 inch (13mm) Icespikes

Good for heavier soled shoes and boots

Deluxe Set Of Icespikes
1/2" (13mm) Icespike Deluxe Package

1 Precision Tool + 32 1/2th Inch (13mm) spikes.

Recommended for heavier soled boots & shoes. Not Recommended for THIN soled shoes. With purchase of Deluxe Package, additional sets of 1/2 inch (13mm) spikes are available for $17.99 (US Dollars) at Checkout.

$29.99 US Dollars

Buy Now

Extra Icespikes
1/2" (13mm) Icespikes

32 - 1/2 Inch (13mm) spikes.

Recommended for heavier soled boots & shoes. Not Recommended for THIN soled shoes.

$19.99 US Dollars

Buy Now

Icespike Runner In Snow
Walker With Dogs Using Ice Spikes On Shoes
Fisherman with tracking system on shoes
Workers with ice traction system on shoes
Senior Citizens using icespike to prevent slips and falls
Nancy Hobbs running with icespikes
Hiker using Ice Spikes on boots
Runner With Dogs
Dan running with icespikes on shoes
michele yates runs with icespike

Unbelievable the traction that Icespike provided on the entire Appalachian Trail last summer. Made the trek enjoyable. On to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region.

- Tim, Professional Photographer and Graphic Designer
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